Generating Favicons is a free web tool that converts an image, text or emoji into appropriate favicon files. The generated files include:

  • android-chrome-192x192.png
  • android-chrome-512x512.png
  • apple-touch-icon.png
  • favicon-16x16.png
  • favicon-32x32.png
  • favicon.ico
  • site.webmanifest

see also:

Favicon Cheatsheet

source: audreyfeldroy/favicon-cheat-sheet


16x16 & 32x32favicon.icoDefault required by IE. Chrome and Safari may pick ico over png, sadly.

iOS and Android

180x180favicon-180.pngGeneral use iOS/Android icon, auto-downscaled by devices.


32x32favicon-32.pngCertain old but not too old Chrome versions mishandle ico
57x57favicon-57.pngStandard iOS home screen (iPod Touch, iPhone first generation to 3G)
76x76favicon-76.pngiPad home screen icon
96x96favicon-96.pngGoogleTV icon
120x120favicon-120.pngiPhone retina touch icon (Change for iOS 7: up from 114x114)
128x128favicon-128.pngChrome Web Store icon
128x128smalltile.pngSmall Windows 8 Star Screen Icon
144x144favicon-144.pngIE10 Metro tile for pinned site
152x152favicon-152.pngiPad retina touch icon (Change for iOS 7: up from 144x144)
180x180favicon-180.pngiPhone 6 plus
195x195favicon-195.pngOpera Speed Dial icon (Not working in Opera 15 and later)
196x196favicon-196.pngChrome for Android home screen icon
228x228favicon-228.pngOpera Coast icon
270x270mediumtile.pngMedium Windows 8 Start Screen Icon
558x270widetile.pngWide Windows 8 Start Screen Icon
558x558largetile.pngLarge Windows 8 Start Screen Icon
