TFT Scratchpad

TFT Resources


Tue 8

Sat 6

  • 2-4 blue orbs
  • 2 gray = 1 blue
  • 3 blue orbs -> 2 gray orbs

gray orbs

  • 2-3 gold + neekos or 2/3-cost unit


  • item or 4-6g or equivalent unit


Sat 29

  • definitely on varus

Fri 28

> (start )


  • shadow runaans on brand
  • NoobOwl = abom player


Wed 26

  • abom: IE on kalista for abom (not shadow)
Draconic Rush
  • roll @ 6 for Sett ⭐⭐⭐, or can also go for another carry depending on the game
  • Needs Draconic very early in Stage 2
  • Usually win streaks with 3 Abomination 3 Draconic
  • Wants to push fast for LVL 8 and LVL 9 and win with Legendaries, especially Teemo
  • source: leduck

Tue 25

Sun 23

  • @3 abom, toss in front line lux to shield the backline and die ASAP
  • heimerdinger / katarina for antiheal
  • tear item on ryze 1 is great against assassins and/or kayle

  • Belt start to counter all the healing –> Morello and Sunfire!
  • ZZrots Portal, Redemption, morellos, Warmogs, Sunfire Cape - bebe872
  • Katarina blue

  1. BB pref, but any tear item is fine ↩︎
