Command-Line Switches

Retrieved from gamepedia


\-help | -h

(PTR) Prints this help output.

\-version | -v

(PTR) Print version number (major.minor.patch.buildnumber)._Only shows the build number though.


Enable in-game console (default key ‘~')

\-config <file name>

Replaces default wtf config file with provided config file name


Disable sound.


Makes game think it’s being launched from App . Does not seem to work.

\-cascdir <dir>




\-datadir <dir>


\-uid <uid>



See also: CVar gxApi and New Graphics APIs in 8.1.5


Force Gx to use Direct X 11 backend.


Force Gx to use Direct X 11 Legacy backend.


Force Gx to use Direct X 12 backend.


Run the game using Metal .


Allow game to run on the Software Renderer (performance will be bad)


Force game to launch in windowed mode.


Force game to launch in windowed fullscreen mode.


These arguments are removed or inaccessible.


Run the game using OpenGL (default under Mac).


Run the game using OpenGL 4.1.


Run the game using Software T&L.


When used with -windowed, runs the game window maximized.


Sets the resolution to width by height. note: it is not known if this works with abnormal resolutions. it is recommended to only use resolutions known to work with WoW.


Forces launch of 32-bit version of the the game on 64-bit systems


Launch the game, used by app to start WoW


Makes game think it’s up to date


Perform hardware detection





\-d16, -d24, -d32

Unknown (color bits?)


Unknown (override graphics?)


Lua code run at the glue screens.


File containing Lua code run at the glue screens.


Lua code run once in-game.


File containing Lua code run once in-game.
