Use Item Links in Macros
Example syntax for creating a trade chat macro with an item link:
/run SendChatMessage(format("WTS %s (226) 725k ",select(2,GetItemInfo("item:183010:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:4:7187:6652:1498:6646"))),CHANNEL,nil,GetChannelName("Trade - City"))
How does it work?
:::lua format(".. %s ..", "text")
This is a basic text replacement with %s
being replaced by text
-- Input:
/run SendChatMessage(format("This is a %s", "Test"), "Party")
-- Output:
"This is a Test"
GetItemInfo(itemID or "itemString" or "itemName" or "itemLink") = itemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture, itemSellPrice
WoW API function that can take one of the following arguments:
: Integer. The numeric ID of the item. e.g. 12345"itemString"
: String. The full item ID in string format, e.g."item:183010:0"
- supports partial itemStrings with any missing values being filled with 0
: String.itemLink
: String. From shift-clicking items.
:::lua select(2, ..)
returns the second value from a list of values.