
Image directory

Images have to be added as a Page Resource or a Resource . Page Resources live in the same folder as the markdown file via Page Bundles and Resources live in the assets folder. Do not put images in the static folder.

Image processing

Markdown Render Hooks

I wish I knew this existed before setting up an image render shortcode (see below).

With the new markdown render hooks, you can use default image link syntax (e.g. ![title](src)) in your markdown files. Hugo will look for a render-image.html template in layouts/_default/_markup/ for instructions to process the image.

Note: this template ignores external image links.

{{/* The destination of the link. Bind to a variable for convenience. */}} {{ $path := .Destination }} {{/* If the link
is an external link, ignore */}} {{ if not (hasPrefix $path "http") }} {{- $img := .Page.Resources.GetMatch .Destination
-}} {{- if and (not $img) .Page.File -}} {{ $path := path.Join .Page.File.Dir .Destination }} {{- $img = resources.Get
$path -}} {{- end -}} {{- with $img -}} {{- $large := $img.Resize "1200x" -}} {{ $medium := $large.Fill "726x402" -}} {{
$small := $medium.Fill "458x254" -}}
<figure class="image-caption">
    alt="{{ $.Text }}"
        {{ $small.RelPermalink }} 458w,
        {{ $medium.RelPermalink }} 726w,
        {{ $large.RelPermalink }} 1200w"
    src="{{ $small.RelPermalink }}"
  <figcaption>{{ with $.Title | safeHTML }}{{ . }}{{ end }}</figcaption>
{{- else -}}
<img src="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}" alt="{{ $.Text }}" />{{- end -}} {{ end }}

source: bep/portable-hugo-links (with slight modification to ignore external links)

Hugo Shortcodes

Hugo supports image resizing, fit, fill, exif and filters for image processing . By default, processing methods only apply to page resources.

Use the following shortcode to apply image processing to images placed the assets/images folder:

{{< img src="/images/{image}.png" alt="{alt}" caption="{caption}" link-title="{title}" >}}

Easy image insertion using the Insert Pattern setting in VSCode’s Paste Image extension:

{{< img src="/images/${imageFileName}" alt="${imageFileName}" >}}

The html for the shortcode:

{{ $altText := .Get "alt"}} {{ $caption := .Get "caption"}} {{ $linkTitle := .Get "link-title"}} {{ $image :=
resources.Get (.Get "src") }} {{ $filesize := len $image.Content }} {{ with $image }} {{ with $caption }}
  {{ end }}
    title="{{ $linkTitle }} ({{ path.Base $image.Name }}, {{ $image.Width }} x {{ $image.Height }} px, {{div (int $filesize) 1024 }} KB)"
    <img srcset=" {{ if ge $image.Width 320 }} {{ (.Resize "320x").RelPermalink }} 320w, {{ end }} {{ if ge $image.Width
    430 }} {{ (.Resize "430x").RelPermalink }} 430w, {{ end }} {{ if ge $image.Width 860 }} {{ (.Resize
    "860x").RelPermalink }} 860w, {{ end }} {{ if ge $image.Width 1720 }} {{ (.Resize "1720x").RelPermalink }} 1720w {{
    end }}" sizes="(max-width: 900px) calc(100vw - 4rem), 860px" src=" {{ if ge $image.Width 1720 }} {{ (.Resize
    "860x").RelPermalink }} {{ end }} " alt="{{$altText}}"/>
  {{ with $caption }}
  <figcaption>{{ $caption }}</figcaption>
{{ end }} {{ end }}

source: felix2020
