Syntax Highlighting
Hugo uses
as its code highlighter. To use a default colour scheme, add the following setting to config.yaml
style: monokai
Default colour schemes can be viewed here .
See also: Supported Chroma Lexers
The default highlight
configuration from
Hugo docs
anchorLineNos: false
codeFences: true
guessSyntax: false
hl_Lines: ''
lineAnchors: ''
lineNoStart: 1
lineNos: false
lineNumbersInTable: true
noClasses: true
style: monokai
tabWidth: 4
Adding Line Numbers
lineNoStart: 1
lineNos: true
Pygments Theme Galleries
Settings if using Pygments:
pygmentsUseClasses: true // tells Hugo to use custom stylesheet
pygmentsCodeFences: true // adds syntax highlighting to fenced code (```)
Content Security Policy
Hugo’s built-in Chroma highlighter does not play nicely with Content Security Policy HTTP headers. By default, the highlighter uses unsafe-inline styles, which are blocked by CSP.
Solution 1: Generate a stylesheet
Hugo provides a way to generate a CSS stylesheet with a default color scheme:
hugo gen chromastyles --style=monokai > syntax.css
Place the generated file in assets/css
or static/css
(as appropriate). Add the following to your config.yaml
to override the default color schemes:
noClasses: true // do not use inline styles
Additional Reading:
- Hugo Syntax Highlighting avoiding Unsafe Inline : Some thoughts (
- Content-Security-Policy vs Hugo’s syntax highlighting in code blocks - support - HUGO (
- chroma code highlighting issues · Issue #187 · matcornic/hugo-theme-learn (
Convert Pygments to Chroma
Chroma comes with a script to convert Pygments CSS files to Chroma .
import functools
import importlib
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import types
import pystache
from pygments import lexer as pygments_lexer
from pygments.token import \_TokenType
package lexers
import (
. "" // nolint
// {{upper_name}} lexer.
var {{upper_name}} = internal.Register(MustNewLexer(
Name: "{{name}}",
Aliases: []string{ {{#aliases}}"{{.}}", {{/aliases}} },
Filenames: []string{ {{#filenames}}"{{.}}", {{/filenames}} },
MimeTypes: []string{ {{#mimetypes}}"{{.}}", {{/mimetypes}} },
NotMultiline: true,
DotAll: true,
CaseInsensitive: true,
"{{state}}": {
def go_regex(s):
return go_string(s)
def go_string(s):
if '`' not in s: return '`' + s + '`'
return json.dumps(s)
def to*camel_case(snake_str):
components = snake_str.split('*')
return ''.join(x.title() for x in components)
def warning(message):
print('warning: ' + message, file=sys.stderr)
def resolve_emitter(emitter):
if isinstance(emitter, types.FunctionType):
if repr(emitter).startswith('<function bygroups.'):
args = emitter.**closure**[0].cell_contents
emitter = 'ByGroups(%s)' % ', '.join(resolve_emitter(e) for e in args)
elif repr(emitter).startswith('<function using.'):
args = emitter.**closure**[0].cell_contents
if isinstance(args, dict):
state = 'root'
if 'stack' in args:
state = args['stack'][1]
assert args == {}, args
emitter = 'UsingSelf("%s")' % state
elif issubclass(args, pygments_lexer.Lexer):
name = args.**name**
if name.endswith('Lexer'):
name = name[:-5]
emitter = 'Using(%s)' % name
raise ValueError('only support "using" with lexer classes, not %r' % args)
warning('unsupported emitter function %r' % emitter)
emitter = '?? %r ??' % emitter
elif isinstance(emitter, \_TokenType):
emitter = str(emitter).replace('.', '')[5:]
elif emitter is None: # This generally only occurs when a lookahead/behind assertion is used, so we just allow it # through.
return 'None'
raise ValueError('unsupported emitter type %r' % emitter)
assert isinstance(emitter, str)
return emitter
def process_state_action(action):
if isinstance(action, tuple):
return functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, (process_state_action(a) for a in action))
if action.startswith('#'):
action = action[1:]
if action== 'pop':
action = 'Pop(1)'
elif action.startswith('pop:'):
action = 'Pop(%s)' % action[4:]
elif action == 'push':
action = 'Push()'
elif action.startswith('push:'):
action = 'Push("%s")' % action[5:]
raise ValueError('unsupported action %r' % (action,))
action = 'Push("%s")' % action
return (action,)
def translate_rules(rules):
out = []
for rule in rules:
if isinstance(rule, tuple):
regex = rule[0]
if isinstance(regex, str):
regex = go_regex(regex)
elif isinstance(regex, pygments_lexer.words):
regex = 'Words(%s, %s, %s)' % (go_string(regex.prefix),
', '.join(go_string(w) for w in regex.words))
raise ValueError('expected regex string but got %r' % regex)
emitter = resolve_emitter(rule[1])
if len(rule) == 2:
modifier = 'nil'
elif type(rule[2]) is str:
modifier = process_state_action(rule[2])[0]
elif isinstance(rule[2], pygments_lexer.combined):
modifier = 'Combined("%s")' % '", "'.join(rule[2])
elif type(rule[2]) is tuple:
modifier = 'Push("%s")' % '", "'.join(rule[2])
raise ValueError('unsupported modifier %r' % (rule[2],))
out.append('{{ {}, {}, {} }}'.format(regex, emitter, modifier))
elif isinstance(rule, pygments_lexer.include):
elif isinstance(rule, pygments_lexer.default):
out.append('Default({})'.format(', '.join(process_state_action(rule.state))))
raise ValueError('unsupported rule %r' % (rule,))
return out
class TemplateView(object):
def **init**(self, \*\*kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
def re_not_multiline(self):
return not (self.regex_flags & re.MULTILINE)
def re_dotall(self):
return self.regex_flags & re.DOTALL
def re_ignorecase(self):
return self.regex_flags & re.IGNORECASE
def main():
package_name, symbol_name = sys.argv[1].rsplit(sep=".", maxsplit=1)
package = importlib.import_module(package_name)
lexer_cls = getattr(package, symbol_name)
assert issubclass(lexer_cls, pygments_lexer.RegexLexer), 'can only translate from RegexLexer'
print(pystache.render(TEMPLATE, TemplateView(,
tokens=[{'state': state, 'rules': translate_rules(rules)} for (state, rules) in lexer_cls.get_tokendefs().items()],
if **name** == '**main**':
source: alecthomas/chroma