Hugo Markdown Render Links

Hugo by default does not resolve links between markdown files. If you build a Hugo site that has ../ in a markdown file, the resulting link will be ../origin-file/linked-file.

To fix the link functionality, add this snippet to layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html

{{/* The destination of the link. Bind to a variable for convenience. */}} {{ $path := .Destination }} {{/* If the link
isn't a relative link or is an outbound link, don't rewrite */}} {{ if or (hasPrefix $path "./") (not (hasPrefix $path
"http")) (hasPrefix $path "../") }} {{ $file := .Page.File.LogicalName }} {{/* If the link has a hash, extract it */}}
{{ $hash := index (findRE "#(.*)$" $path) 0 }} {{ if $hash }} {{ $path = replaceRE (printf "%s$" $hash) "" $path }} {{
else }} {{ $hash = "" }} {{ end }} {{/* Non-index files are outputted as directories with index files, so these links
need to start with `../` */}} {{ if and (not (or (eq $file "") (eq $file ""))) (strings.HasSuffix $file
".md") }} {{ $path = path.Join "../" $path }} {{ end }} {{/* Remove _index / index and make sure link ends with trailing
slash */}} {{ $path = path.Join .Page.RelPermalink $path }} {{ $path = replaceRE "/$" "/" $path }} {{ $path =
replaceRE "/$" "/" $path }} {{ $path = replaceRE ".md$" "/" $path }} {{ $path = path.Join $path "/" }} {{ $path
= printf "%s/%s" $path $hash }} {{/* A special case for the wiki, if the link starts with a hash it's a tag, so style it
differently */}} {{ $tag := hasPrefix .Text "#" }}

<a class="ref{{ if $tag }}tag{{end}}" href="{{ $path | safeURL }}">{{ .Text | safeHTML }}</a>
{{ else }}
<a href="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">{{ .Text | safeHTML }}</a>
{{ end }}
  1. Adding a generic oembed handler for Hugo // Just a Summary (
  2. Bennett Hardick
