Atom Hugo Shortcodes and Snippets

I wanted a way to quickly access shortcodes from Atom without having to manually type them out each time. Atom’s built-in snippets function was perfect for this.

Adding Shortcodes

Shortcodes are added as individual html files under the layouts/shortcodes directory. Each shortcode points to a single html file of the same name. For example, abbr.html is a file that contains a shortcode to generate an abbreviation:

<abbr title="{{ .Get "title" }}">{{ .Get "text" }}</abbr>

The associated shortcode that will used in a markdown file looks like this:

{{< abbr title="Long text to be abbreviated" text="Hover me!" >}}

and is rendered like this: Hover me!

Adding Snippets

Since the so-called “short”-code is anything but short, it saves time to assign the shortcode to a snippet. Snippets can be added directly to Atom’s snippets.cson file, which can be accessed through the command palette.

'prefix': 'abbr'
'body': '{{< abbr title="$1" text="$2" >}}'

In the above snippet:

  • '' indicates the snippet should only apply to markdown files
  • 'Abbr' is the name of the snippet
  • 'prefix' is the shortcut

To use this snippet, type abbr followed by TAB and the text of 'body' will be inserted with your cursor centered at $1. Pressing TAB again will jump your cursor to $2.

Escaping Shortcodes

Hugo will still process shortcodes found in codeblocks. To escape shortcodes, add {{</* and */>}} as appropriate.

Additional Reading
